June Update

Update from SVC – June 2020

While the world has been getting used to new ways of working under lockdown, we’ve been hard at work helping all sorts of clients make the most of the digital landscape of late.

June 5th saw the conclusion of our recent series of Digital Marketing webinars for the Destination Nene Valley team. The series of 8 sessions was a lot of fun for us to deliver and we really enjoyed getting to know a number of businesses from across the Nene Valley region over the weeks. We are currently in discussions with the Nene Valley team about additional business support materials for the coming months but in case you missed any of the sessions – you can download slides and videos from our sessions by heading over to soverycreative.com/webinars.

Meantime – while the nature of our work means we have been able to continue a number of key projects through the lockdown period, we’ve also been hard at work in lots of new areas and helping new clients make the most of their new reality. In the last week alone for instance we delivered a series of social media training workshops via Zoom for the Environment Agency, have begun assisting an exciting new Coffee brand in Earls Barton to make more of their digital marketing offer whilst also developing a range of new content marketing, website content and other materials for clients across the training, food and drink and tourism sectors. Indeed – we were even very happy to be able to get out of the house for a couple of hours to carry out a socially distant photoshoot on a clients site in Stamford as well!

As if all of that wasn’t enough – don’t forget, you can also catch up with our new podcast series World Wide What in podcast directories right now as well. This new season has been designed to showcase a range of exciting Northamptonshire businesses whilst finding out how they are using technology, social media and the wider web to make the most of the lockdown period.

New episodes are dropping each week so be sure to look us up in your podcast directory of choice – you can find us in Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Castbox and loads more!

In the meantime – as we look forward, out to-do list continues to grow as our clients make their way back to some kind of normality and way of working; if we can be of assistance to you at this time in making more of the online world, or helping to create something beautiful for the real world – feel free to get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements with us in detail!

Please be sure to browse our archive to read the latest updates from SVC as well as updates on recent projects we’ve been working on and a look behind the scenes of running a creative business. 

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to us today and talk to us today! 

In the meantime for more – don’t forget to connect with us on social media as well @soverycreative!