SpaceVac International Marketing Materials

A sneak peek of a range of materials we are working on this month for SpaceVac International…

The team over there are currently hard at work expanding their distributor network overseas and has grown to cover some 25 countries now in 5 Continents and it’s really exciting for us to be a part of the journey – quite literally as our work has seen us travel to Paris, Amsterdam, Las Vegas and Toronto to support the team in the last 18 months alone.

Most recently, we’ve been hard at work working up brand new brochures and product guides for all of the international partners that SpaceVac are working with – including translating them into a range of different languages.

Its certainly been an interesting challenge from a typographical point of view at times (who knew Finnish was such a wordy language?!) and one thats required a close eye on detail, but we’re really pleased with how everything is turning out so far.

Let us know what you think or get in touch to discuss your requirements with us in detail today!

Please be sure to browse our archive to read the latest updates from SVC as well as updates on recent projects we’ve been working on and a look behind the scenes of running a creative business. 

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to us today and talk to us today! 

In the meantime for more – don’t forget to connect with us on social media as well @soverycreative!