Featured Project: Northants Logistics Forum

Having worked to develop the Northamptonshire Logistics Awards and Logistics Forum in a previous life, we were really excited to be invited to be a part of this years campaign for the Northamptonshire Logistics Awards.

Our remit for the project was a fairly broad one, as this year the forum was starting afresh with a  lot of new activities and so we were engaged to work on a number of key areas.

The first was to get to work building a new website for the Forum. We deployed a customised WordPress solution, which gave us a beautiful, mobile responsive website that featured some really nice functionality including an events calendar, online voting and some nifty parallax scrolling action!

In addition to this we were also tasked with generating some social media interest around the campaign which we did by way of developing and delivering content across a range of social media channels including the creation of videos, live streaming, use of polls and more.

Finally we were very happy to be responsible for the Graphic design around the ceremony as well including the design and print of these gorgeous awards brochures for the formal awards dinner.

You can find out more about the work of the Logistics forum over at northantslogisticsforum.com or follow them on Twitter @logistics_forum. In the meantime to discuss your requirements with us today – get in touch!