Digital Marketing Workshop February

We are very pleased to announce the next in our ongoing series of Digital Marketing workshops with the team at Destination Nene Valley.

Over the last few years we have delivered a number of these sessions to tourism businesses and other groups across the Nene Valley region to help them make the most of the digital marketing – from local SEO to social media.

The next session will be taking place on February 28th at East Northamptonshire Council in Thrapston from 1030-1230.

This free sessions looks ahead to 2019 and looks at some of the coming trends and changes for businesses to be aware of to make the most of their online offering through the year. We will be covering a range of areas and activities from the rise in voice search and changes in social media to podcasting and live video.

Find more information and reserve your free place (if you are indeed a tourism business in the East Northamptonshire area) over on the DNV Eventbrite page.

Please be sure to browse our archive to read the latest updates from SVC as well as updates on recent projects we’ve been working on and a look behind the scenes of running a creative business. 

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to us today and talk to us today! 

In the meantime for more – don’t forget to connect with us on social media as well @soverycreative!