A Month in The Life: May 2019

Well as the sunshine begins to become a more regular visitor, it’s been another busy month in the life of So Very Creative!

To start with we’ve been hard at work getting everything ready ahead of this years edition of the Northamptonshire Logistics Awards. This is a project we have been involved with for a number of years now and we were really excited to be involved again this year.

On May 17th, we headed to the awards for the dinner presentation – ostensibly on social media duties – but also enjoying a great night with the very best in the Northants Logistics Sector. We’ve added a blog over here highlighting our work on the brochure design for this year and you can find more about the awards at northantslogisticsforum.com/2019awards.

Towards the end of the month we were very excited to announce that we will be returning with Season 2 of the Nene Valley Festival Podcast which was another really enjoyable project from 2018. We will be dusting off the microphones again and hitting the road all over the Nene Valley shortly pulling together  and as this blog post here can confirm, we are currently on the lookout for a little input on this project from musicians or bands in the Nene Valley.  Get in touch if that sounds like you!

Finally we’ve been hard at work elsewhere working up a number of new catalogue and brochure pieces for our friends over at SpaceVac International which has seen us not only racking up the hours in Photoshop and Indesign, but also out onsite with the team doing a whole load of video and photography work; gathering up the assets we need to deliver the team a beautiful set of new marketing materials for the rest of 2019!

It’s certainly been a busy one and as we get ready to say hello to June at the weekend, we are already gearing up for another busy month next month as well!

In the meantime, if you’ve got requirements of your own for creative, digital or marketing assistance – do contact us and discuss your requirements with us today!

Please be sure to browse our archive to read the latest updates from SVC as well as updates on recent projects we’ve been working on and a look behind the scenes of running a creative business. 

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to us today and talk to us today! 

In the meantime for more – don’t forget to connect with us on social media as well @soverycreative!