Well it’s been a hectic summer so far at SVC HQ with all kinds of projects kicking off and gearing up nicely…
Firstly – as you can see above, we’ve been taking advantage of the summer sunshine to help our friends at Canoe2 get the most out of the summer months. This year has been the guys’ busiest yet with visitors all over the Boathouse shop every day of the summer holidays. We’ve been hard at work keeping the guys stocked with fresh social media and email goodness, as well as planning for their big charity event with Spurgeons later in the summer as well.
Next, we’ve been hard at work with our friends at SpaceVac supporting the launch of a whole range of new distributors around the world as they continue their quest for global domination. This month we’ve been working on a range of marketing materials to support these companies in countries like Brazil, Slovakia, Lithuania and Austria in this month alone.
Meanwhile, as we start working on a number of retail and merchandising projects in the run up to Ch******s (which we still can’t bring ourselve. In addition we’ve also been hard at work finishing up some new projects with the guys at the Northamptonshire Logistics Forum as they gear up for the release of the new SEATS guidance later this month, helping to standardise quality and safety levels among temporary drivers.
It’s a really interesting project working a whole range of partners to create a range of engaging online and offline materials to support the rollout of the campaign across Northants – and hopefully further afield in the future.
All told between all of the above and criss-crossing the county recording content for the Nene Valley Festival Podcast, (the fifth episode of which just went live!) its been an absolutely crazy few weeks!
Keep up to date with everything we are up to by connecting with on social media (We live at @soverycreative everywhere!) or get in touch to see how we can do something very creative for you!